Dirk Schürmann


© SoundWords, online seit: 16.01.2021, aktualisiert: 16.01.2021

Dirk Schürmann, born in 1962, married, two children, living in Wuppertal, was privileged to grow up in a Christian family where his parents taught him to appreciate the Word of God and where he also found faith in the Lord Jesus. He is especially grateful to his father for making him aware of the importance of the fact that in Christian teaching, ministry and pastoral care, Christ must be the central focus and goal, not theology, activity and philanthropy. Dirk Schürmann works in the chemical industry in the commercial-technical field. He attends Christian meetings in Gevelsberg-Vogelsang. At the age of 16, he was first exposed to English Brethren literature through a gift from his grandfather. Over the years he realized more and more what a great spiritual treasure still lies hidden here for German Christians. Since 2000, he has been co-editor (and co-founder) of the website www.soundwords.de, and he has devoted much of his time to making this literature available to Christians through this site.

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