I Do Not Know What Lies Ahead
(Ich weiß nicht, was noch kommen wird)

online seit: 01.01.2021

I do not know what lies ahead,
The way I cannot see;
Yet One stands near to be my guide,
He’ll show the way to me:

I know who holds the future,
And He’ll guide me with His hand;
With God things don’t just happen,
Everything by Him is planned.

So as I face tomorrow,
With its problems large and small,
I’ll trust the God of miracles,
Give to Him my all.

I do not know how many days
Of life are mine to spend;
But One who knows and cares for me
Will keep me to the end:

I do not know the course ahead,
What joys and griefs are there;
But One is near who fully knows,
I’ll trust His loving care:

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