Walter Bligh Westcott (1871–1936)

© SoundWords, Online începând de la: 19.12.2022, Actualizat: 20.02.2023

Some biographical Information:

Born: 1st January 1871
Died: 27th March 1936
1891 he lived in Yorkshire, England.
He had 4 brothers and 3 sisters. From them William Henry, and Lemuel Upton, were in Christian service in the Congo.
Walter Bligh Westcott served as Home Treasurer until 1927 of what became known as the Westcott Mission. His older brothers began the work in 1897 in the ‘Belgian Congo’. Mr William Henry Westcott returned to the U.K. in 1916, while his older brother, Mr Lemuel Upton Westcott, died on the field in 1929.

In 1909 W.B.W. was on the first committee of Scripture Truth magazine.
For more detailed information about Walter Westcott, see the German short biography:



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