John William Hugh Nichols (1867–1860)

Author unknown

Online începând de la: 01.12.2023, Actualizat: 01.12.2023

John William Hugh Nichols was born on 23rd December 1867 in Cheltenham, England, son of John W. and Elizabeth Nichols. He was the editor of the magazine Handfuls of Purpose. He died on 16th June 1960 in Redwood City, San Mateo, California, USA, and is buried in Alta Mesa Memorial Park in Palo Alta, Santa Clara County, California. J.W.H. Nichols came to the USA after 1891. He was married to Elizabeth Jones (1873–1961), also a native of England. They had 8 children, 11 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. J.W.H. Nichols is the brother of Edward Ernest Nichols (1865–1952), known by poems.

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