Fleming, Inglis: A Remarkable Confession and Prophecy (the words of Agur, the son of Jakeh)

Locuri din Biblie: Proverbs 30:14

Blessed indeed it is, when we have felt “weary of self and laden with our sin,” to have our eyes directed by the Holy Ghost to Him who is “the Man of God’s right hand, the Son of Man” whom He “has made strong for ... mai multHimself.”

Schürmann, Dirk: Suit în înălţime

Proverbe 30.4; Psalmul 68.18; Efeseni 4.8-10

Locuri din Biblie: Proverbe 30.4; Psalmul 68.18; Efeseni 4.8-10     Cuvinte cheie: Daruri ale Duhului; Înălţarea la cer