Luther descopere „dreptatea lui Dumnezeu” (S. Abigail)

„Cel drept va trăi din credinţă”

Online seit: 29.10.2019     Cuvinte cheie: Martin Luther; Bărbaţi ai credinţei; Reforma

Deodată lui Martin Luther a început să-i devină clar: toate încercările slabe, pe care le întreprindem ca să ne îndreptăţim şi să ispăşim pentru păcatele noastre sunt inutile şi lipsite de sens. Bărbaţii, ... mai multfemeile şi copiii nu sunt salvaţi de pedeapsa pentru păcatele lor prin ceea ce fac (sau plătesc), ci prin ceea ce ei cred. Credinţa în lucrarea de ispăşire făcută de Hristos este singura suficientă pentru a deveni salvat.

Hamilton Smith (1862–1943) (L. Hodgett)

Online seit: 16.01.2021     Cuvinte cheie: Biographies; Men of faith

Hamilton Smith is a much loved expositor of the Scriptures. He wrote on many different portions of the Bible but is probably best known for his character studies of Abraham, Elijah, Elisha, Joseph, and Ruth which have been published in several ... mai multlanguages. His writings are terse and yet do not lack content as a consequence of their brevity. One of his effective teaching methods is short, profound comparisons and contrasts. His book on the Song of Solomon is a classic example of the way his writings draw out the heart to the One he served so faithfully all his life.

Frank Binford Hole (1874–1964) (J.S. Blackburn)

Online seit: 16.01.2021     Cuvinte cheie: Biographies; Men of faith

Frank Binford Hole was a man of God. His long life was marked by faithfulness, devotion, patience and hope. His memory is best honoured by remembering the massive pillars of the faith in which he laboured, lived and died. The conspicuous feature of ... mai multhis life was that he lived and laboured in the Christian Faith, and was constrained to do so by personal experience of the love of Christ.

Walter Bligh Westcott (1871–1936)

Online seit: 19.12.2022     Cuvinte cheie: Biographies; Men of faith

John William Hugh Nichols (1867–1860) (Author unknown)

Online seit: 01.12.2023     Cuvinte cheie: Biographies; Men of faith