Parables in Luke 1 Parables in Mark 1 Parables in Matthew 11 Paradise: Garden of Eden 1 Paradise: general 3 Parties and sects 3 Passion 2 Passover 2 Pastoral care 8 Pastoral Service 2 Patience 2 Paul 6 Paul's doctrine 1 Peace in Circumstances 23 Peace with God 10 Pearl, precious 2 Pentecost 4 Perfect, the 1 persecution 1 Peter 6 Pharisees 4 Philippians letter 1 Philosophy 9 Pisa 1 Poems 3 Pokemon 2 Policy 16 Pop and rock music 2 Posessed of Devils 1 Postmodernism 4 Power to live 1 Prayer: in the church 7 Prayer: In the family 5 Prayer: personal 26 Prayer: to the Holy Spirit 2 Preaching 3 Predestination 12 Premarital sex 3 Pride 9 Priestly Ministry 5 Priorities 11 Problems 9 Prodigal Son 2 Profit 2 Promise 1 Prophecy 1 Prophecy: general 11 Psychology 2 Punishment 4