Gedanken über die Leiden des Herrn (P.A. Humphery)

„In all ihrer Bedrängnis war er bedrängt“

Online since: 30.08.2001     Scriptures: Jesaja 50; Jesaja 53; Jesaja 63; Psalm 102; Matthäus 13     Keywords: Leiden des Herrn

Ich hoffe, dass die folgende Illustration solchen Geschwistern hilft, die Schwierigkeiten haben, den Unterschied zwischen den verschiedenen Leiden Christi zu verstehen. Dabei geht mir jetzt ganz besonders um die Verbindung mit der Position und dem ... moreZustand des auserwählten Überrests Israels in der Zukunft. Der oben zitierte Vers aus Jesaja 63 bezieht sich auch in erster Linie und prophetisch auf diese Verbindung.

Psalm 51 (P.A. Humphery)

A Man after God’s Own Heart

Online since: 01.11.2018     Scriptures: Psalm 51

I have not read this psalm in view of its dispensational meaning. I suppose most of us know that it is the confession of the believing Jewish remnant before God, on the ground of having caused the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. They confess their ... morebloodguiltiness, and thus come into blessing – the fruit of that death in expiation. What I wish you now to look at a little is the personal, directly personal, application and meaning of the psalm. There is a wonderful reality in it, and in its meaning too. You may say the Psalms do not apply to Christians, that the Christian state is beyond them; but here, at any rate, is a psalm that, if we will only consider it simply, will search our hearts in the reality of having to do with God. We have here the characteristics of a man after God’s own heart, for David was such a man. But how was this true of him? What was there in him, and about him, in his life and ways, to entitle him to this distinction? A little study of this psalm will help us to understand, as we get light from God upon it, what it is to be in this world according to the heart of God.

Psalm 3 (P.A. Humphery)

Salvation is of the Lord

Online since: 01.11.2018     Scriptures: Psalm 3

The third psalm gives us another thing. Passing over the second, and going back to the first psalm, it seems to give us the position in this world of the blessed Lord Himself, and also our position. It shows Him surrounded by enemies. It is the ... moredescription of the path, and of the infinitely-blessed resources, for Him who is for God in this world. There is nothing more important or more necessary for us. We may speak of sorrows, distresses, and failures; what we have lost, and what we have fallen from; but what remains? What is the remedy? What we have here. It is nearness to Himself. The spirit of the world is just opposed to this. “There is no help for him in God.” That is the way the world points at the separated One (Matt. 27:43); and the world does so still towards those that are of Him and for Him in it. In the third psalm we have the enemies, the surroundings; and the One who is here for God is the blessed Lord Himself. So it is written, “I cried, and He heard.” That is the great point with us. It is not merely crying because of sorrows and difficulties here, but it is having the sense in our souls that He hears.

Gânduri referitoare la suferinţele Domnului (P.A. Humphery)

„În toată strâmtorarea lor, El a fost strâmtorat”

Online since: 13.03.2019     Scriptures: Isaia 53.5; Isaia 50.4-6; Isaia 63.9; Psalmul 22; Psalmul 102; Matei 3.13-17;     Keywords: Suferinţele Domnului; Adorare/Închinare

Sper ca ilustrarea următoare să ajute pe aceia care au greutăţi să înţeleagă diferenţa între diferitele suferinţe ale lui Hristos. Mă ocup acum în mod deosebit cu legătura între poziţia şi starea rămăşiţei ... morealese a lui Israel din viitor. La aceasta se referă şi versetul citat mai sus din Isaia 63, în primul rând în sens profetic.